SOLAR SUCCESS STORY: Iron Workers Local 549


  • FUNDING: $18,000 grant sub-award from the Appalachian Solar Finance Fund
  • PLACEMENT: A 49.9 kW solar project for Iron Workers Local 549, constructed by Solar Holler, an innovative solar installation company working to make solar energy affordable for Appalachian communities
  • ENERGY SAVINGS:  A $265,832 lifetime cost savings
  • IMPACT: In addition to energy and cost savings, the project taught apprentices of Iron Workers Local 549 to assist in the installation of solar panels

In Wheeling, WV, the members of Iron Workers Local 549 are excited about a recent installation of solar panels on their apprenticeship building. The solar panels will net a lifetime savings of hundreds of thousands of dollars on energy bills, and the project will also allow the apprentices to gain vital new skills. 

Apprentices assisted in installing the solar panels and will now be able to bring this newfound knowledge to other solar projects in the Tri-State area and beyond. 

Solar Holler, an innovative solar installation company working to make solar energy affordable for Appalachian communities in West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio, constructed the project. Solar Holler’s staff members are proud members of the Appalachian communities their business serves and are committed to training the workforce in these communities so all Appalachians can benefit from the renewable energy economy.

The project is an exciting first step for Iron Workers Local 549, which has served the Tri-State area of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia since 1937. They plan to install solar panels on the next building planned at the site and praised the funding assistance provided by the Appalachian Solar Finance Fund in support of this solar project.

“We highly recommend that all of the building trades take advantage of the opportunity to apply for the Appalachian Solar Finance Fund grant,” stated the Iron Workers Local 549 Executive Board. “This project was a true blessing.”

The Appalachian Solar Finance Fund is a regional financial and technical assistance program dedicated to spurring new solar development in coal-impacted counties of Central Appalachia. If you want to bring solar power to your community, learn about how the fund works and apply online for funding and technical assistance.