
New solar jobs created
Solar jobs directly retained
Additional local jobs supported
Communities engaged
States served
New solar projects underway
Private investment leveraged 
Lifetime energy cost savings
New solar capacity deployed
Year-one CO2 equivalent emissions reduced

Find out more:

Read the 2023 SFF Impact Report

The SFF addresses economic and employment challenges in Central Appalachia by:

  • Investing in Appalachia’s solar industry to create new jobs throughout the solar supply chain
  • Lowering operating costs for public institutions, local nonprofits, and commercial businesses
  • Encouraging reinvestment of energy cost savings into expanded social services, local business growth, and wage increases
  • Generating new employment opportunities in coal-impacted communities

The SFF overcomes common financing barriers that prevent the completion of otherwise viable and impactful solar projects by:

  • Providing catalytic funding for impactful solar projects in dozens of communities across the region
  • Establishing scalable models for catalytic solar financing, predevelopment technical assistance, and workforce development programs

The SFF supports critical community services at anchor institutions such as schools, homeless shelters, and hospitals by:

  • Reducing energy burdens
  • Saving millions of dollars in operating costs
  • Establishing predictable long-term energy rates

Solar Success Stories

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